Siberian Blue Sitting Quan Yin pendant [SQY]
Not all Siberian Blue is created equally! There is only one 'Original Siberian Blue', and we have all the last remaining stock on the planet! only 220kg remains of the hyper rare historic crystal
See our YouTube channel @originalsiberianblue1445 for more info on why not is so special than most other Siberian Blue on the market, and how we go through special rituals and processes to charged these beautiful crystals with energy from many sacred sites around the world, and watch the interview with the guy whom originally discovered it in deepest Siberia, and understand its unique story.
These beautiful pendants are painstakingly hand carved and crafted by some of the best Balinese master carvers. Each piece has over 4 days of loving craftsmanship to create these miniature works of art.
In 2014 Quan Yin (Kwan Yin) came into my life in a big way. Since then I have been spreading Quan Yin energy and philosophy around the world. When I came into possession of the crystal, the first thing I was inspired and passionate about making is some items around the Quan Yin energy
Carved around the box, is a common mantra used to worship Quan Yin is Om Mani Padme Hum (pronounced Om Mani Peme Hung). This mantra is known as “the mantra of the Buddha of Compassion”, which purifies negative emotions. This mantra was originally for Avalokitesvara and is now associated with Quan Yin. The meaning of Om Mani Padme Hum is hard to translate into a simple phrase or sentence the closest short translation is “the jewel in the lotus”, because all the teachings of the Buddha are contained in this single mantra. This sacred mantra has so much meaning especially when broken down one word at a time:
Om helps you achieve perfection in the practice of generosity.
Ma helps perfect the practice of pure ethics.
Ni helps achieve perfection in the practice of tolerance and patience.
Päd helps to achieve perfection of perseverance.
Me helps achieve perfection in the practice of concentration.
Hum helps achieve perfection in the practice of wisdom
At the end with the feet is adorned with the symbol of Quan Yin’s energy.
Underneath, on the inside of the lid, is the symbol for ‘Quan Yin’s portal’ with it being under the lid, out of sight, this is purely for energetic reasons, bringing in into your home the vortex of energy. Many centuries ago, Quan Yin gifted several ‘gates’ or ‘portals’ that, at a given time, will reveal to the world key knowledge. These ‘vibrational gates’ each resonate with a corresponding chakra, the energetic vortices of life that govern our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes of existence. This is all part of the shift of energy related with the Mayan prophecy’s, Age of Enlightenment, golden era, second coming of Christ etc etc. It’s just different channels speaking of the same even from their perspective. The age of compassion, the divine feminine energy, the mothering softness of family.
The box is then blessed and oiled in ceremony, with Quan Yin’s prayer, being chanted by the most powerful Quan Yin shaman in Beijing. Which I personally recorded myself in Switzerland during a house blessing. The oil is an organic sesame seed oil, infused with Lotus, jasmine, sandalwood, lavender and other sacred scents for the base oil.
All people can benefit from the healing journey of Quan Yin. She has been worshipped as the Chinese Bodhisattva of compassion by many for thousands of years. A bodhisattva is any soul that has attained enlightenment but instead of being freed of the karmic cycles and becoming a Buddha, instead chooses to stay on earth in order to help all beings attain their enlightenment. That is a basic summary of the bodhisattva vow. It is said that as Quan Yin was about to enter heaven, she paused and heard the cries of the world, her compassion was so great she returned to help them.
Quan Yin in Sanskrit means “she who hears the cries of the people”. The spelling of her name varies including Kwan Yin, Kuan Yin, Guanshiyin, Guanyin, Kwannon, Gwun Yam, Gun Yam, and Kannon. She also holds many titles The Goddess of Mercy, Gentle Protectoress, Bodhisattva of Compassion, and Bestower of children and the savior of fishermen. Quan Yin called herself “The Mother of all Buddha’s”. This mothering aspect of herself connects her to all beings, especially those in pain. Quan Yin said “Although I am Bodhisattva, I am energy. I am not a person. Basically, the Kwan Yin energy was never in one single body. It has always been a great part of the energy of all of compassion of all the Universe. What you see in front of you is one person who has been able to tap in and release for a period of time, so that she can let us be a part of her reality and to share that with you so that you can be encouraged, and that you can also bring forward the part of you that knows the truth. i” The qualities that Quan Yin invokes, the feeling of compassion and unconditional love make her comparable to Mother Mary in the West, Green Tara in Tibetan culture, the Virgin of Guadeloupe in Mexico, and many other ancient goddesses, the matriarchy of old.
She is worshiped by Buddhists and Taoists in China, Korea, Japan and Tibet. She first appeared around 400 AD as a Male Bodhisattva of Compassion called Avalokitesvara, or Avalokite. Avalokitesvara gradually changed to a female known as Quan Yin and by 1200 AD she was definitely considered a female Goddess wearing flowing robes. Some believe she was reincarnated as Miao Shan a Chinese Princess known as “the wonderfully kind one” who lived around 700 BC on an island meditating and saving fisherman from shipwreck.
The symbols that are associated with and sacred to Quan Yin include a lotus, black tea, rice, sweet cakes and rainbows. Being a fertility Goddess she is associated with birth and protects young children. Crystals and Minerals associated with Quan Yin are Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Malachite, Rhodocrosite, Aventurine, Rose Calcite, Nirvana Quartz, Kunzite and Green Tourmaline. All of which resonate primarily with the Heart Chakra energy center for healing and self-love.
A common way of worshipping Quan Yin is by repeating her name over and over as a mantra. This is said to relieve suffering and enhance compassion. An eastern custom of worship for Quan Yin is to leave sweet cakes, lotus incense, fresh fruit and/or flowers to be blessed with children or to have Quan Yin protect the young ones in your life.
The energetics surrounding our human selves on this earth plane signal that NOW is the time for us to fully embrace our loving and compassionate selves, rekindle the beauty of a balance within our male and female energies and enter into true Oneness - arriving in the creative space of full awareness and self-empowerment - The Independent Self.
...”The sacred feminine can not be embraced until we are in balance with our masculine and feminine selves”.
Each of these nine gates are sacred portals of knowledge and awareness. QuanYin directed that the messages and exercises within her sacred Gates will help you find the inner truths you have searched for, the compassion you have yearned for and the life purpose you have been waiting for.
Allow Quan Yin to bring you to the centre point of balance for a true direction on the compass of your life.
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