How I came about the crystal?
I often get asked ‘how did you come across the crystal?’ And ‘How did I come up with the design and inspiration for the Arcturian Soul purpose Amulate?’
Well we have to go a little further back in time to fully understand this magical journey. I could go as far back as 5 years old! Where I first experienced my innate superpower of remote viewing, and clairaudience, but I'll save that story for another blog and keep it shorter for now.
Let’s start with my epic journey of self transformation, which took a quantum leap in 2014 when I attended a year long training program with a gentleman called Jack Canfield, on his ‘Train the trainer’ program. During this program, Jack regaled about a pivotal moment in his personal development, where he met a practitioner who used kinesiology aka muscle testing, to diagnose limiting beliefs. Where he discovered a deep trigger around money and his farther, up until that point, Jack had experienced rejections from over 130 publishers for ‘Chicken soup for the soul’ and upon shifting and deleting this emotional limitation, he went on to acquire a $65 million investment only 3 weeks later, which Jack now attributes a large part to his success to this technique. Inspired by his story, I decided to work with his mentor, and dedicate the next year studying with him, where he taught me his whole process. After learning the potential of this incredibly powerful tool, I invested the next two and a half years my life, exploring its capabilities, eventually developing what I now call ‘Subconscious Surgery’ TM
How does this tie into the crystal? Let’s fast forward 2.5 years, during this time I extensively tested and challenged this phenomenal process. I wanted to prove or disprove what I had been led to believe it could do, like predict the future in such high levels of detail and subsequently evaluate the potential in projects or opportunities and the authenticity of people and their intentions, as well as deeply backwards engineering limiting beliefs. Well! What I found in that two and a half years was, when I followed and trusted the testing, magic and miracles happened, when I went against the testing, turbulence, challenges, issues and expense happened.
The ultimate catalyst to ‘going all in’ and trusting the testing came in the guise of a romantic relationship, which seemed promising at first, with her appearing to be the perfect partner, stunningly beautiful, deeply spiritual, entrepreneurial etc etc, and also a Managing Director I hired for my company. To summarise briefly, the testing indicated early on that the romantic relationship and the MD would be ultimately problematic, despite their apparent perfection on paper, the testing predicted negative outcomes. As I was exploring the testing, I had to see if it was right or not, and proceeded toes if I could actually make them work and counter the predictions. In both cases, the testing proved itself 100% accurate, concisely forecasting all the toxic behaviour and challenges, confirming the unsuitability of these individuals. Although I tried to fix the situations, it ultimately proved futile. These experiences were the last things I needed to fully reinforce my commitment to trusting the testing. I will be going into much more detail in my book of the process, but to put in in a simple manner, after 7 months of attempting to challenge the testing, it proved itself 100%, and predicted their behaviour down to the day, weeks and months in advance, with my partner at the end saying in her words ‘I don’t want to heal this wound in this lifetime’ which was causing all the turbulence and narcissism, and this was a hard boundary I wasn’t willing to compromise on, and subsequently ended the relationship. The MD? before I employed them, they scored a 2 out of 10 and regardless of my efforts to make them a 10, they spectacularly lived up to the testing once again, the gory detail best left for my book.
How does this tie in with the Crystal I hear you ask? Keep reading! all will be revealed momentarily.
The day after I took the decision to end the relationship, and commit fully to following the testing, regardless of how crazy it seemed to be, I received an invite to a 4 day conference on 'Consciousness' in London , with amazing speakers like Greg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispensa, Lyn McTaggat and more. I received this from one of my previous attendees of my talks/ workshops, and whom loved my work. He was part of the team at the conference and had heavily discounted family and friend tickets on offer for only £150, the usual ticket price being £550, which was incredibly tempting. One of the pieces of fallout with my relationship, was she had wanted to live the opulent life, and due to all the upheaval and turbulence we experienced in the relationship, and her playing a key role in the business, we hadn’t had sales for quite a number of months, leaving me in a dire financial situation, literally having £200 of available cash to my name.
I turned to the testing for guidance, and sat down to create the necessary frameworks to establish whether or not it would be a beneficial decision to go to this conference. My psychological accounting was, I was incredibly familiar with most of the speakers work, being an obsessive geek and researcher, I had consumed everything I could find by them already, and didn’t feel there was anything important to gain over me using the funds and time to put fuel in my car and get out to networking meetings to find clients. After all, I had to spend £150 leaving me with only £50 not knowing when the next sales will come in. I was also a single parent at the time to a young teenage boy, and behind on my rent. As I say, challenging and going against the testing had come at a steep financial cost, although from a different perspective, an incredibly valuable return, which was being emotionally the strongest and most grounded place I had been in my whole life, with a new magical tool I trusted completely.
I tested things like, would I learn something transformative from the conference? Would I find new clients at the conference? Would I find a new romantic partner? Would I make amazing new friends? Networking? Would I meet someone whom could help me accelerate my businesses? It tested super low for each apart from the networking one, where I got a 10 out of 10 that I would meet someone whom would change my life for ever in a magical way. This is where things started to get interesting.
On the day I had to set off for the conference, I was again presented with and interesting dichotomy to navigate. To travel to London I needed fuel my BMW 650i with its thirsty 5 liter V8 engine. I had enough money available to get to London, but not enough to get back, or even pay for my AirBNB. It seemed like a suicide mission, a one way trip which would leave me stranded if I was unable to manifest a solution. Again, I referred back to the testing, which again confirmed in every way I needed to go, something magical was going to be the result, even if it seemed at the time to be irresponsible to put myself in such a position. I had gained so much confidence in the testing, I jumped into my car and eagerly embarked on the journey, excited to witness how the results will unfold.
During developing Subconscious Surgery TM, I had encountered many beautiful souls who desperately needed my services, but alas couldn’t afford them. In such cases, I took the decision to offer my services pro-bono. It allowed me to test the effectiveness of my technique in removing what was often debilitating triggers and deep anxieties, and would provide efficacy and proof of concept. Little did I realise these acts of generosity would come back in the most perfect synchronistic timing to support me at pivotal moments. 20 minutes before hitting London, one of these individuals from nearly a year previous, messaged me to say they had just transferred me a some of money for the incredible healing and shift they had experienced, and wanted to express gratitude and compensate me in hind site for my generosity. Incredibly, it was exactly the amount I needed to fund my Accomadation, and fuel for the return journey! How amazing the universe is, it was like it was rewarding me right at the last moment in perfect timing for my trust in following the guidance, like a little metaphysical pat on the head.
Later on that evening, as the conference drew to a close around 9:30pm, and the speakers were taking questions. One individual stood up from the front row, and started pitching a conference in Asia, sparsely hidden as gratitude for the speakers presentations, as he didn’t have a question when prompted. I sensed an opportunity ‘maybe I might get a speaking gig at one of his conferences, maybe he was the person whom was going to change my life? I tested if this might be the case and got a 10 out of 10. So I immediately rose from my seat, and made my way to the front, where he was surrounded by a number of people. A woman was attempting to argue a point with him, and he was attempting to explain how she was triggered, and not present, I took the opportunity to reframe everything he was saying in a completely different vernacular, in an attempt to get her to understand better, and the primary intention to demonstrate my expertise in my field and therefore worthy of speaking at one of his conferences. It worked, he kept acknowledging my input, and gesturing approval. After the exchange finished, we promptly exchanged cards and agreed to connect in the future.
Taking a short break, I headed down to my car in the underground car park, and took a moment to re hydrated, as at the time, a carried a supply of high quality distilled water to avoid low quality tap or bottled water. About 30 minutes later I decide to stroll out around London and see the sights. As I stepped out of the hotel, I noticed the previous gentleman conversing with a couple of men across the drive, and thought ‘I have his card, I will contact him later’ and started to walk away, when I had a clear ‘clairaudient’ experience, as if someone was stood next to me say loudly ‘go speak to him’ I even tested it haha! I swiftly followed the guidance, went over and politely joined the small group. To condense the story, we ended up spending the next 2.5 hours talking in the lobby. His name was Gino Yu, a tenure professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, of which the conversation culminated in him inviting me to work with him for two months fully funded in Hong Kong, and yes, the start of my journey was speaking at his conference in Shanghai, which is where I met Stephan Schwartz, the gentleman who discovered the crystal, and who was speaking about remote viewing, an ability I posses to some extent. Where over the speakers dinner, Stephan shared his intriguing story, which I captured later in my interview, about how he discovered the Siberian Blue crystal in the secret military city, deep in the Siberian wilderness back in the late 80’s. I knew in this moment, as an avid crystal enthusiast, I needed some in my life, although little did I know it would be a year later before I met him at his home in Seatle, and shake hands on a deal which would have me being the guardian of the entire remaining 230kg left on the planet.
Now you may be wondering, where does the Arcturian element come into play, and what about the Amulet?
Let me provide some context. Up until this point, I had been a nomad taking one way trips from place to place, constantly traveling and changing countries every 5-10 days, which took me to countless destinations around the world. Being single I had a profile on Tinder, and liked to see the kind of women in these beautiful places who might be interested in connecting with me. However, a major challenge I faced, was I was often thousands of miles away when we matched, making it somewhat pointless to start a conversation. On the day I sealed the deal with Stephan, something unexpected happened. A wonderful individual whom I had connected with 8 months prior, took it upon themselves to send me a rather obscure message with an intriguing opening line: "If I mentioned Arcturian’s, would it mean anything to you?" I pondered for a moment ‘Arcturian’s, they are like the Palladian’s, an ascended race of beings. Curiosity got the better of me and I googled Arcturian’s and came across a statement “the Arcturian’s are an ancient alien civilisation from a planet orbiting the star Arcturus. They have ascended into light, and broadcast their consciousness throughout the universe in a spectrum of blue light. I glanced at the picture, and then the crystal sitting next to me, it was astonishing how identical their colours were, I was taken back. I replied to the message on tinder affirming the Arcturian’s are an ascended race of light beings whom use the spectrum of blue to transmit their consciousness’ the next time I opened my app however the message with her connection had gone, no reply, nothing. I was like ‘ok, I guess this was a message from the universe’ the interesting part was, within the next month, I had several independent references to the Arcturian’s, including two ‘psychic readers’ randomly tell me that I was an Arcturian star seed.
Additionally on my visit to Sedona, to initiate the first crystal charging process and break apart two crystals previously cracked in transit. A Facebook friend who had watched one of my videos reached out to me the next morning with an apologetic message. They felt a bit hesitant but shared that the crystal had spoken to them in a dream and revealed itself as the consciousness of the Arcturians. It was here for a special reason, and I had been chosen to bring it out into the world. According to them, I needed to communicate with it and use it in a more ceremonial manner. All of these remarkable experiences inspired me to delve into research on Arcturian sacred geometry. I then combined these powerful images using muscle testing, resulting in what you now see in the Sacred Soul Purpose Amulet. I even matched the colours of the crystals with the symbol for "soul purpose," with Mexican fire opals and Swiss blue topaz, proving the strongest match for the Merkabah, and the red and blue sapphires shining brightest for the Tranquility variant, which hasn't been released yet. Stay tuned for more!