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subconscious assassin at the golden buddha in bangkok charging the siberian blue master crystal


‘Crystals are little pockets of consciousness’

 Nikoli Tesla


Crystals have amazing properties, like storing information. In fact the device you are using right now to read this article, uses many types of crystals to operate. Some dictate the colours of your screen, while some carry electrical charges and decide where they go, and others store all of your information and data. This crystal is called ‘silicon’ or silica dioxide. All computers rely on this crystal to operate. Siberian blue is also a silica dioxide crystal we call quartz. Quartz is a piezoelectrical crystal, which means when it is put under pressure, it changes its frequency, and this attribute was used to tune in radios many moons ago before we went digital.


In a fascinating experiment, they managed to store video into a purified water crystal, and you can also look a Dr. Masaru Emoto’s water experiment, and how water crystals changed their form dependent on the energy and emotions they were subjected to.


As I am an avid enthusiast, and have a broad understanding of not only the ‘metaphysics’ of charging and cleansing crystals, I also understand the standard physics of how this is actually possible too. I have a video on our Siberian Blue YouTube channel explaining this YouTube


From the day I was blessed with the guardianship of this precious and magical crystal,

I knew I had to treat it with the highest intentions and care.

My first port of call, was going to the Sedona Vortices in Phoenix Arizona, where I went to each of the 3 vortices to cleanse and energise the crystal. I had chosen one specific crystal out of the couple of hundred that were left, to be the ‘Master crystal’ this crystal was chosen never to be cut up and converted into and products or jewellery, and to go on a spiritual journey around the world with me, to many sacred sites and temples, to be infused and charged with their energy.


At the time, I was a digital nomad, due to a number of interesting chain of events, which I talk about on my other platforms. I had relinquished my home, given all my possessions away, or otherwise disposed of them, and had been taking one way trips to different destinations for just over a year, moving city and or country between every week to two weeks, each time allowing the universe to guide my decisions through a process called Kinesiology AKA muscle testing,

which was the very process which had me meet Stephan Schwartz in the first place, but I won’t go into detail here, that’s a whole epic tail on its own.

List of sacred sites infused into the master crystal

The crystal has been blessed by the Quan Yin High priest of Beijing in a ceremony in Morocco, although due to the privacy of the ritual, I was unable to take photos. There was also other waterfalls and temples which at the time of writing this, I couldn’t find the photos and actually remember the places, as I visited over 30 countries and did long road trips as a nomad moving around constantly for over 2.5 years. This is an ongoing process, and more places will be added to the list as time goes by.

An interesting phenomenon called quantum entanglement suggests that as all these crystals were made in the same batch at the same time, the energy infused in the master crystal, would be transmitted automatically to the other crystals as it is charged in the future, but this is only speculation,

even though the muscle testing indicates its possible. Regardless of this, all our jewellery is charged on this crystal before it leaves.

During my travels I was in Switzerland attending an Ayahuasca ceremony, where I met a beautiful soul and true authentic Shaman, trained from a young child in the Peruvian Mountains by a one of the last ancient shamanic lineages, untouched by modern civilisation. After the ceremony, we connected incredibly deeply, as he recognised me as a fellow healer and deep spiritual soul. I asked him if I could acquire the very Altar cloth he had used for the ceremony, and as I understand it, hundreds of ceremonies before, to use for my own sacred rituals and with charging the master crystal. Although he was initially resistant to letting his incredibly sacred Alter cloth and also kneeling cloth go, he realised that this was for a higher calling and let go of his attachment, allowing me to take them. I also purchased a new larger blanket for my own shamanic purposes which you will see in many of the images. You may wonder what is so special about these blankets? Well, these are specially hand made by the Ayahuasca shamans wives during ceremony in the Peruvian Mountains, specifically for protection purposes, and reflect the sacred visions they receive whilst on the Ayahuasca medicine, known as ‘The Mother’ is guiding their hands. When I muscle tested their energy and protective power, they scored a 10 out of 10 and knew I had to have them.

You will see that I used this Alter cloth, and blanket to conduct the ceremonies at most of the sacred sites, and also for all my rituals whilst traveling and here in Bali, and subsequent charging of Jewellry ongoing.

I pay great care and attention with cleansing and charging all of the pieces which you will receive, I endeavour to go over and above any other manufacturer or producer I have seen out there. I say this just to give you some appreciation of the passion which goes into the sacred artefacts we produce, and bring out into the world.

We are not just a company that produces jewellery, we create powerful spiritual tools of ascension, infused with real magic.

All of the unprocessed crystals go through a set rite of passage, to become the beautiful items you see here. The main stock of the crystals are still currently kept safe in the US at an undisclosed location. When they arrive in Bali, the first thing that happens, is they are taken to the holy temple ‘Pura Tirta Empul’ 

As these crystals have literally been in storage and untouched since they were packed circa 33 years ago, by the Russian laboratory workers, and shipped half way across the world to be here with us in Bali. For this reason, I take them through a special traditional Balinese water cleansing ceremony, in the some of the purest sacred spring water mentioned above. Bali is a central part of the earths chakra system being bifurcated by the two major lay lines which join all of the earths energy points.

Once they are cleansed, I use a muscle testing and a meditation process, to connect with the crystal, and ask it what it wants to become.

If I have custom orders, I will test each piece of crystal to find out which is the most energetic match.

See my gallery below to share my journey, and get to understand my mission and purpose with this amazing crystal.

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