Are you looking to discover and manifest your ‘Souls Purpose’?
This magical Amulet, uses Sacred Arcturian symbolism, which holds energetic powers to activate your Merkabah and align your soul with what it incarnated here to do.
See our explanation video below to understand better every detail and its meaning.
To summarise, this Amulate represents the shift of consciousness on the planet. We are moving into the ‘Golden Era’ which is the age of the divine feminine. This is represented by the triangle taking the forefront signifying that the feminine energy is the dominant force, taking precedent over the masculine, represented by the disc at the rear. On the rear, is the ancient Arcturian symbol for ‘Soul Purpose’ the three moons representing the mind, body and soul. carved into the Central crystal is the Merkabah (human light body) and the lines emanating from it representing the light you emit.
So the narrative is ‘To achieve our ‘Souls Purpose’ we must balance our mind, body and soul, embody the divine feminine with compassion and collaboration, activate our human light body, and shine our light out into the world’ The way we shine our light, is by finding and mastering our gifts and our passion, and being of service to humanity.
On the Bail (chain loop) is the Arcturian symbol for ‘Karmic balance’ this reminds us the our actions and choices have repercussions beyond what we can imagine, and therefor need to live a mindful and intentional life, where every choice we make is done with consideration to the impact on others, and this beautiful world we live in.
The Meaning
The Making
The Unboxing
Arcturian mini soul purpose Amulate
Arcturian mini soul purpose Amulate
Sacred Amulate, Arcturian Starseed, Crystal grid