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Welcome to the one and only,

siberian blue raw crystal pictured in sunlight showing the violate hue

To understand this amazing, beautiful and magical crystal, you have to understand the story behind it, how it came to be called ‘Siberian Blue’
Back in the late 80’s, a bright learned man called Stephan Schwartz, was deep in the Siberian wilderness, at a secret military city, which had no name, and didn’t appear on any map.

secret military city siberia
stephan schwartz, who discovered the siberian blue crystal

He was there working with the Soviet Union government, on a scientific mission. During his stay, he was speaking with some of the local inhabitants about‘ shamanism’ due to ‘shaman’ being a Siberian word. He had written books on South American shamanism, and it wasn’t long before they commented on his knowledge, and informed him they had some of the most powerful shaman in Siberia in the city,

and asked if he would like to meet them? In which he replied anenthusiastic yes

He was taken to a healing ceremony, where he met the head shaman. During the meeting, the shaman pulled out a piece of beautiful vibrant eclectic blue crystal from his medicine pouch around his neck, which incidentally was a tanned scrotum from a Raindear.

He then embellished upon the crystals powerful attributes of amplifying their healing gifts,

and opening up what they called their 'spiritual sight' pointing to their third eye.

When Stephan showed avid interest, in where he could find some, they quickly put it away, changed the subject, and became incredibly guarded.

This was the first moment his suspicion first was peaked, and that it had to be something to do with theKGB, Russia’s alternative of the CIA.

This was the last he would hear about the crystal for nearly two years.

Stephan was a businessman and entrepreneur, and was one of the first westerners to start a business in the USSR, he was the first to introduce ball point pens and female hygiene products there. This had him in and out Moscow for around 6 months in the year, on and off, where his business associate lived. One day he was in London, when he spontaneously decided to fly to Moscow to visit his business partner. He arrived at his usual hotel, to find it booked out. So he ended up going to random hotel around the corner, which he had never stayed before. Upon arriving to his room, he found the phone was ringing, he thought to himself ‘well it can’t be for me, I didn’t tell anyone I was here’ he answered the phone to say they had the wrong number, when a Russian voice said ‘Mr Schwartz’ this was another moment he knew instantly, it had to be the KGB.

The voice said ‘are you still interested in the Blue? He was confused for a moment, it had been nearly two years since the secret city, and the shaman. Stephan enquired ‘the blue crystal?’ To which the Russian voice said ‘yes! If you are interested, you will meet me at the place of execution tomorrow at 8am’ although this sounded very sinister, and quite ominous, this was very public a place in Red Square.

the place of execution red square moscow

He was met by a KGB military colonel full uniform, escorted to a military limousine, and driven out of Moscow. At this time, foreigners were not allowed out of the city limits without a special visa. On realising they had been driving so long they must have left, he turned around to the colonel and expressed he had no special visa, the colonel replied ‘don’t worry, you’re with us’ which was the only word’s uttered for the 3 hour journey.

kgb military coronel

They eventually arrived at what looked like a dairy farm from the face of it, accept it was heavily guarded by soldiers. They entered the farm to find it was a pristine secret KGB military laboratory, upon which they gave him a guided tour. This is where we take natural quartz from the French Mountains, grind it into powder, desolve it in acid, purify it to remove contaminates, add cobalt for the blue, heat it up under immense pressure, in these 36ft titanium autoclaves to 2500 degrees C (4500f) simulating a pocket of volcanic acid and regrow the crystal in the perfect environment to make them optically perfect. Apparently they were used in non lethal defensive laser weapons, which in essence blinded the enemy, disabling the sensors on nuclear torpedoes and CCD’s in satellites. It seems the universe has a sense of irony with it opening and activating the shamans third eye chakra increasing their spiritual sight, as they called it. 

quartz crystal
autoclave for growing crystals
string of freshly grown crystals

Come the winter of 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, subsequently closing all the laboratories and stemming the flow of new crystal. Both QVC and the Italian jewellery manufacturer cut the contracts as he could no longer supply the volume needed, leaving him with around 300kg,

of which he has sold some over the years, when I met him, he had only around 230kg left.

To cut a long story short 'you can watch the full interview I did with Stephan below' he purchased their excess production out of the back door, so to speak. He then partnered with an Italian jewellery manufacturer, and sold the jewellery on QVC, an American shopping channel.

adrian taffinder opening the kgb crystals after 30 years in storage

Without getting into another protracted story, this had come into my life in a beautiful and synchronistic way, and seemed obvious I had been chosen to take this lost treasure, which had been buried in storage for around 30 years, still sealed it their wooden creates they had been shipped in. I felt like some kind of modern ‘Indian Jones’ opening these boxes, pushing the wood saw shaving to one side, picking out the individually paper wrapped, stunningly bright, blue bars. It was this moment I fell in love.

an original KGB miliatry grow siberian blue crystal with certificates and wood chips from original packaging

When he first took the crystal to market, he could hardly call it by its technical name ‘hydrothermal quartz’ his wife remarked 

'how about ‘Siberian Blue’ because you discovered it in Siberia, and it’s Blue' and that was the birth of Siberian Blue.

After the supply dried up, there was still a demand, so China stepped in and started making cheaper copies for the mass market,

which constitutes the vast majority that is on the market today.

We are blessed with the last available ‘Original KGB’ Siberian Blue, as found in the secret city, being used by the Siberian shaman.

My mission, is to help the crystal find its new guardians, the most amazing healers and mystics, whom are on the same mission as me,

to end suffering, raise the level of consciousness of humanity, and bring in the new golden era.

Watch full interview here

Discovering the magical Siberian Blue in a secret KGB lab 30 years ago

Discovering the magical Siberian Blue in a secret KGB lab 30 years ago

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Monies raised are to be invested into other healing projects to facilitate the healing of humanity.

Every piece of jewellery or raw crystals, will come with a serial number, and certificate of authenticity, proving that this is a unique fragment of the

‘Original KGB grown” Siberian Blue Crystal.

It is in extremely limited supply, and once it is gone, there will never be any of the same again.

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